A focus on transformative healing.

Brent Anderson
Founder, Breathwrite LLC

No matter the level of stress and trauma we endure, each of us has the ability to self-regulate — if we’re equipped with evidence-based tools that are effective in building resilience, hope, and healing. At Breathwrite, we provide trainings to foster calm, peaceful, relaxed, moment-to-moment balance. Self-awareness is powerful, helping us engage better with ourselves and with others. It is the key to overall well-being — the foundation for improved outcomes, organizational health, and long-term employee satisfaction.

  • Trauma Informed Care

    Our team provides training, technical assistance, and coaching to advance trauma-informed, resilience-oriented, equity-focused approaches in various organizational settings.

  • Mind Body Medicine

    As a faculty member of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, Brent helps individuals and communities implement evidence-based interventions to relieve trauma and build resilience.

  • Brief Action Planning | Motivational Interviewing

    We train organizations how to improve outcomes through the effective use of brief action planning for self-management support.

  • De-escalation: Crisis Prevention Intervention

    Our training in de-escalation and crisis prevention techniques allow for therapeutic interventions to help reduce the level of stress and frustration that a person is experiencing during a crisis.

What is Trauma Informed Care?

Trauma-informed care (TIC) is an approach to caregiving and service provision that recognizes and responds to the impact of trauma on an individual's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This approach emphasizes understanding the prevalence and effects of trauma, integrating this knowledge into policies, practices, and procedures, and actively seeking to prevent re-traumatization.

Trauma-informed care also acknowledges the widespread prevalence of trauma and its potential impacts across various settings, including healthcare, education, social services, and criminal justice. By adopting a trauma-informed approach, service providers can create environments that promote healing, minimize re-traumatization, and support individuals in their recovery journeys. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying factors contributing to behaviors and responses, rather than solely focusing on symptoms or outcomes. Ultimately, trauma-informed care can lead to more effective and compassionate support for individuals who have experienced trauma.

Key principles of trauma-informed care include:

  1. Safety: Ensuring physical and emotional safety for individuals and creating environments where they feel secure.

  2. Trustworthiness and transparency: Establishing clear communication, maintaining boundaries, and building trust with individuals receiving care.

  3. Peer support: Recognizing the importance of support from peers who have experienced similar trauma.

  4. Collaboration and mutuality: Involving individuals in decision-making processes and fostering collaborative relationships between service providers and recipients.

  5. Empowerment, voice, and choice: Promoting autonomy, acknowledging individual strengths, and respecting the choices of those receiving care.

  6. Cultural, historical, and gender issues: Acknowledging and respecting the cultural, historical, and gender-specific contexts of trauma.

  7. Resilience and strengths-based: Recognizing and building upon the resilience and strengths of individuals and communities.

Topics covered as part of training include conversations around trauma; brain care; self care; toxic stress and functions of the brain; neurobiology and epigenetics; resilience and post-traumatic growth; Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs); Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs); vicarious secondary trauma; workforce wellness; and Mind Body Medicine skills


About Brent Anderson

As a practice coach, Brent Anderson has worked closely with Dr. Bruce Perry, psychiatrist and author of “What Happened to You.” Dr. Perry has provided invaluable content expertise in training healthcare organizations and many other community partners on trauma-informed care. Brent has more than 20 years of experience working with providers, including hospitals, federally-qualified healthcare centers (FQHCs), and other organizations seeking to improve outcomes within their communities.

Explore Mind Body Medicine

A hurricane. A global pandemic. Flooding. Death of a loved one. Loss of a job. War. We’re constantly faced with stressors that ultimately impact our physical and mental health — in many cases, for years or decades after we experienced the trauma. Mind Body Medicine training equips you and your team with the skills to cope with trauma through various options — from an intensive onsite retreat to a series of in-person or online weekly sessions. Book a session or explore some components of Mind Body Medicine below.


In addition to serving as a faculty member for The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, Brent also is a certified trainer through the Centre for Collaboration Motivation and Innovation in the following core practice areas.

Brief Action Planning Trainer

ACES Master Trainer
(Adverse Childhood Experiences)

Crisis Prevention Intervention Trainer